
Gazebo is our default simulator. Follow the instructions on the next section to install and run a simulation of our robot hands using Gazebo.

Starting a robot simulation

The simulation of the system you have can be launched using the simulation icons found in a folder called “Simulation” in the “Shadow Advanced Launchers” folder. Alternatively you can use the below commands in a terminal:

First you need to start the hand container by either double clicking the icon 1 - Launch Server Container in the “Shadow Advanced Launchers” folder.

Shadow Dexterous hands

  • To start the simulation, you can run:

    roslaunch sr_robot_launch srhand.launch sim:=true
  • If it is a left hand, side:=left should be added. For example:

    roslaunch sr_robot_launch srhand.launch sim:=true side:=left
  • Moveit will enable advanced behaviour (inverse kinematics, planning, collision detectection, etc…), but if it is not needed, you can set use_moveit:=false

Bimanual hand system


To start the simulation of a bimanual system, you can run:

roslaunch sr_robot_launch sr_bimanual.launch sim:=true

Unimanual arm and hand system


To start the simulation of a unimanual right system, you can run:

roslaunch sr_robot_launch sr_right_ur10arm_hand.launch sim:=true

To add a scene, you can add scene:=true and you our default scene. You can also add your own scene adding a scene_file parameter.


Similarly, to start the simulation of a unimanual left system, you can run:

roslaunch sr_robot_launch sr_left_ur10arm_hand.launch

Bimanual arm and hand system


To start the simulation of a bimanual arm and hand system, you can run:

roslaunch sr_robot_launch sr_bimanual_ur10arms_hands.launch external_control_loop:=false sim:=true arm_speed_scale:=0.7 scene:=true

To add a scene, you can add scene:=true and you will see our default scene.


You can also add your own scene adding a scene_file parameter.

Installing the simulator in a different computer

Follow these instructions if do not have a real hand but would like to use our hand in simulation or you want to install only the simulator on a different computer.

  • ROS Noetic:

    bash <(curl -Ls docker_deploy --branch master tag=noetic-v1.0.31 product=hand_e nvidia_docker=true reinstall=true sim_icon=true container_name=dexterous_hand_simulated

Additional parameter




hand_e, hand_lite, hand_extra_lite

Describes the shadow hand product you want to install.


true, false

Flag to know if the docker container should be fully reinstalled.


true, false

Define if nvidia-container-toolkit is used. Use with nvidia GPU.


true, false

Specify if hand driver should start when double clicking desktop icon


true, false

If true the icon’s will autolaunch hand in simulation mode.


right, left

Specify if the hand is right or left (ignored if bimanual=true)


true, false

Specify if both hands are used or not.

You can tell if the installation via the one-liner was successful based on it returnining:

Operation completed

The one-liner will then create a dekstop icon that you can open and use to launch the container. If you did not have the parameter launch_hand=true in your one-liner then you can use the commands shown at the top of this page to launch the simulated hand.

More params and their explanation can be found here.