External Connectors

Peripheral Connectors
The following connectors are available for connecting external peripherals.

Auxiliary Analog: This connector allows you to add up to four extra analog sensors to the hand. These sensor channels are always sampled at 1000Hz, and are available at the host. They are currently published in /debug_etherCAT_data/sensors[26 .. 28]. To assemble a connector for this socket, use the following part numbers:
Harwin M30F1100600, Harwin M30-1010046.
5v regulated supply
GND regulated supply
Analog input channel 0
Analog input channel 1
Analog input channel 2
Analog input channel 3
Auxiliary SPI:
The Auxiliary SPI is not supported by the current firmware version of the hand. We are working on this issue and will add the functionallity in future releases.
An external SPI device may be connected here, e.g. an ADC, DAC, or I/O expander. The palm may be able to auto-detect the type of device connected, and inform the host. Currently, the palm supports only three devices:
MCP3208 - 8 channel, 12-bit ADC
MCP3204 - 4 channel, 12-bit ADC
MCP3202 - 2 channel, 12-bit ADC
The auto-detection of these devices is not completely reliable, since the MCP320x chips have no explicit autodetection mechanism. The palm attempts to read all eight channels. If it reads values other than 0x000 or 0xFFF, it assumes an ADC exists. Therefore, if the analogue sensors are giving exactly 0v or 5v on every channel, the palm may fail to autodetect.
If the palm fails to autodetect a device, it assumes the device is an MCP3208.
To assemble a connector for this socket, use the following part numbers: Harwin M30F1100600, Harwin M30-1010046.
6v supply
GND supply
Chip Select
Master out, Slave In
Slave Out, Master In
6v supply
ICD3 Socket: This allows you to re-program new firmware into the Palm’s PIC32 MCU. See the section on re-programming the palm. You have been supplied with an adaptor to connect the ICD3 programmer here.